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The Bat – Breathing Awareness Tool


the bat

The Breathing Awareness Tool

This effective teaching tool for wind instrumentalists, singers, actors, and public speakers helps you establish good breathing habits and build muscle memory for efficient breath management. The Breath Awareness Tool (BAT) fastens around your lower abdomen like a belt, creating resistance that heightens awareness of your breath’s expansion and contraction. Working with the BAT empowers you to develop endurance, range, tone enhancement, and performance confidence.


Playing a wind instrument, singing, and speaking all create resistance to the unobstructed natural flow of exhaled breath.

This resistance, whether caused by the larynx, tongue, lips, or a reed, creates a different outflow, and requires breath management for maximum efficiency.

Over the years, we may develop unconscious physical habits that are counterproductive to efficient breath management.




If you establish positive muscle memory away from your performance activity, your focus will be stronger and easier to maintain when you perform. Developing positive muscle memory when you are not concentrating on performance content will bring unexpected benefits to your normal practice and performance.

Manage the breath and build endurance
Enhance range and tone
Includes five targeted exercises
Made of 80% recycled materials
Produced and assembled in Northern California

Getting Started

1. Exhale and fasten the BAT snugly around your lower abdomen with the padded section facing your body and the Velcro® section facing out.

2. Try alternating your hand with the BAT while working on managing your exhalation. As a general rule, use only the first two thirds of your breath capacity before breathing again, since you can’t efficiently manage the breath if you run out of air.

3. At the start of the exhalation, count out loud with a full voice, pausing for a second between each number. What does your body do to keep the air from rushing out between the numbers? Try to remain expanded and engaged, instead of allowing your breath (support) to collapse between numbers.